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The Scottish Fire Service College was formed in 1954 & its 1st training centre was in fact a large hotel in Gullane in East Lothian. Training over £1,000 Scottish Fire Service personel a year it was moved & closed on 31st March 2015. The new Scottish Fire & Rescue Service college at Cambuslang has been in operation since 2013, gradually taking over the role of training Scottish firefighters!

These home office college cap badges are all very hard to obtain on the open market, they have NEVER been copied owing to the copyright laws of the home office, anybody attempting to copy these home office cap badges face heavy fines & even a custodial sentence so no one has ever dared! They are protected by copyright of The British Government so original cap badges are always sought after by collectors!
This Scottish Fire Service College cap badge is in immaculate condition & the enamel is absolutely perfect within the crown & centre red enamel circlet!
There are 2 variations of this very sought after cap badge, a flat centre variation & the BOLD variation you have here, the thistle emblem proudly “sticking its chest out” & very prominent on this cap badge!
A used condition cap badge & there is evidence the badge has been on a cap, a very immaculate used condition Scottish Fire Services College cap badge to grace the discerning & serious fire service cap badge collection!

Scottish Fire Service College MINT 1954 Cap Badge

SKU: sku_578b99654dc96_1468766565
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