A really nice condition overall, 1940's issue Helmets Limited of Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire, high cone black cork firefighters helmet. It has original leather liner & chin strap, the chin strap is complete but has damage. These style fire helmets were used well into the 1980's, usually overpainted in yellow after 1972. It is a really nice original helmet to attach a transfer or badge to for rememberance of a firefighter of a particular brigade that wore these pattern helmets. In London for example, the county brigades that lost stations to The Greater London Council London Fire Brigade in 1965, many firefighters from outer brigades were allowed to keep their original helmets. I have seen these varied style black London badged helmets & all are original with the London badge even though Middlesex 3 step & County Cone patterns. I actually wore a similar style overpainted 8 step London helmet on duty until 1983, when although we had to also have our modern issue helmets on the fire truck, they didnt mind until officially taken off the run for firefighting.
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