East Sussex Fire Brigade was formed in 1948 after The Natiopnal Fire Service disbanded & fire control came under the regional counties & county borough's to administer. The first pattern cap badge of a single crown with no white wave between the crown & birds on the shield was in force from 1948 to 1974. There are 2 patterns of this cap badge being small or larger birds within the shield. The 2nd pattern introduced in 1974 had a white wavy line seperating the single crown from the birds. The 3rd pattern added 3 crowns to the top of the shield when the brigade changed it's title to Fire & Rescue Service in 2004.
This 3rd pattern Fire & Rescue cap badge is in excellent condition, manufactured by Intramark Ltd, a modern manufacturer who are the official suppliers to the East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service. The manufacturers stamp mark clearly stamped on the fully pressed home office star.
East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service 2004 Cap Badge