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2 medals from both Allied & Axis forces of WW1, A Prussian 1897 Khaiser Wilhelm 2nd Centenary medal & a British WW1 1914 to 1918 Allied Victory Medal. Both have broken clasps but are nice cheap collectables for the beginners. The British Medal is to The Army Service Corps, only some of the inscription can be made out!

The Prussian Centenary Medal was instituted in 1897 by Khaiser Wilhelm 2nd to commemorate his Grandfather, Khaiser Wilhelm 1st, Emperor of Prussia's 100th birthday.Issued to all serving armed forces personel from the army & navy & also awarded to veterans of The 1st & 2nd Schleswig Wars, The Austro Prussian War & The Franco Prussian War of 1870 to 71.
The medals were made of bronze gunmetal from captured cannons & the inscriptions transalated into English read " William The Great German Emperor, King Of Prussia" & on the reverse reads "In Memory Of The Hundredth Birthday Of William 1st, Great Emperor Of Prussia 22nd March 1897"
The British Allied Victory Medal of 1918 is to The Army Service Corps but some of the inscription is faded. What remains is the soldiers service number C88544 Pte ? apl? A.S.C.

British WW1 Victory Medal & Imperial German 1897

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