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This fine un-circulated coin & special medal collection from 1986 containing 8 ( eight ) lovely un-circulated coins & the mint struck medal was issued in commemoration of H.R.H. ( His Royal Highness ) Prince Andrew & Lady Sarah Ferguson’s Wedding!

The Royal Wedding took place on July 23rd that year & many types of celebratory coin & medal / medallions were struck by various mints to commemorate the auspicious royal occasion!
This particular set includes the very first British £2 base metal coin, a nickel brass coin featuring the 13th ( thirteenth ) Commonwealth Games which took place in Edinburgh that year. Also making a 1st ( first ) time appearance, the new Northern Ireland design £1 coin featuring a flax plant within a Royal diadem, the fronts of both depicting H.M. ( Her Majesty ) Queen Elizabeth 2nd ( second )! The other 6 coins to complete the fine set alongside the Medal itself are the standard coins of the realm in circulation at the time, the 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 & 1 pence coins.
The medal itself being unique to these sets & bears the portrait’s of “Andy & Fergie” as they were affectionately known to the public on the front, the rear being the Royal Cypher & monogram of the Royal Couple!
Set within a blue leatherette pad & sealed protective case, these sets are appreciating in value as time goes by, the set itself being nearly 30 years old & not detracting value in the fact that the couple divorced but are still good friends! British un-circulated coins always appreciate in value so are always a growing investment to collectors!

1986 Royal Wedding Medal & Coin Collection

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